How Soon After Did You Have Sex After Baby Reddit

Ok ladies.. Tmi time! Did you look the total half dozen weeks to accept sex activity postpartum?

Did you wait half-dozen weeks similar most doctors recommend? If not how did it go? Was there pain? How long did you wait?

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level 1

We tried when I THOUGHT my stitches were gone at 5 weeks. Went for insertion and OMG the pain. We waited till 6 weeks and it was better, but still at 13 weeks if he goes in weirdly and it pulls where the stitches were it hurts a trivial.

level i

Waited till 5 weeks plus some days. Wasnt bleeding so did a little. It wasn't bad at all. Did it twice since then. Bleeding a lot at present and my tummy is sore. Only I recollect it's my period already... :((

level 1

Nope. My wedding nighttime was roughly v weeks PP, and while there was nonetheless a little residual bleeding we didn't mind. Stopped bleeding the next week anyhow. There wasn't any existent uncomfortableness, nor hurting, and I had no violent.

level 1

3.five weeks, vaginal nascence, second degree tear.

level 1

we watied almost 5 weeks. I was scared (after deliveing a nine lber. Heck I was even however scared to poop). As I arrived at my 6 week my appt my OB asked if I would exist joining the "already pregnant again club?" He had 6 new/again mamas he had seen that week. As my baby turned ix months I COULD Not imagine having a newborn. I'd advise existence very careful or waiting till you get on BC.

level 1

· nine yr. ago footling man xi/19/12, little lady 12/24/14

It was probably more like 10 weeks. Having a newborn with no help other than my married man had me too wearied to be thinking nigh much more than child-care, eating and sleeping.

It injure a little, merely not also bad. It still hurts a little, just I accept a feeling that the pain is going to go away in time.

level one

God yes. I adult vaginismus then nosotros waited ix months. Well we started trying after 6 weeks and tried 2+ times a week for 7 months. Bless my patient married man!

level ane

I waited around 8 weeks I recollect. Information technology was very painful, we had been attempting information technology for a while before we managed then but I had to end because it hurt so much. Using lube would simply make it sting and burn as I hadn't healed properly within yet.

I wish I had waited longer, my SO said he had no sex drive at all when the baby was born until I approached sex with him first then it kinda woke him up and he got badly horny.

level 1

I'chiliad 10 weeks PP and been fix to effort for about a calendar week but haven't had the opportunity yet. Got condoms and lube at the ready though!

level 1

Nosotros only waited 4 weeks considering nosotros couldn't keep our hands off each other, haha. It hurt a trivial at first since I had 2 tears and stitches from the commitment, simply everything was pretty much healed up and I was no longer bleeding past the time we really did the deed. My advice would exist to go wearisome and apply lube :)

level 1

We did the other night at five weeks and it hurt a lilliputian then I had to stop cuz it was uncomfortable. Lube might have helped more though.

level 1

My 6 week checkup is the 26th and I couldn't expect anymore! Just had our get-go sexy time this weekend and it went much amend than I expected. I had a vaginal delivery and 2d degree episiotomy and so we took information technology slow. Non much pain except in 1 position (which of course is our fav). It was worth breaking the rules,that's for sure!

level 1

Yeah we waited until longer than that honestly. I think it was well-nigh 8 weeks before we even tried, and it hurt too bad and we ended up stopping. It still hurts occasionally, but nada like information technology did earlier.

level 1

try 5 mths... betwixt having a weird tear & having to get a episiotomy later the nascence & being stitched to tight (i was actually re-virginized) I also had to go back in an get my perineum cauterized like 3 times cause the Doc I went to after having a home water birth was a idiot. So I healed and had a pin hole on my perineum.... I'm glad I'm healed & able to exercise it again. And like someone else said lube is a must!

Good Luck!

level 2

Ouch!!!!! Props to you lot for ever trying ever again afterward that!!!

level 1

· 9 yr. ago two little girls, three and 4 years one-time

I was a piddling under 3 weeks post partum. It went okay.

level 1

· 9 yr. agone Jonathan Alexander, 1/9/13, the boobaholic :D

2 weeks hehe. it injure until nosotros got going and some positions just hurt as well much. but it got meliorate and nosotros're back to normal at present.

level one

Nope, we jumped the gun at 3 1/ii weeks (vaginal delivery) and and so over again at 4 weeks. It was a little uncomfortable at showtime, simply damn it was worth it!

level i

Waited til almost 3wks PP after my c-section. Considering I severely overdid information technology on my second 24-hour interval home I withal had a lot of pain. My son was also stuck on my pelvis and they had to push on his caput from my lady parts to help become him out so I was still actually sore.

level ane

Only waited about 3 weeks later on c department. Most of the pp haemorrhage had stopped. My only problem was non feeling lubricated enough and seemed to cause my urethra to feel irritated. Non sure the reason though

level ane

· 9 yr. ago Mom of two boys (two.5YO & 6MO)

I bled till 7 Weeks PP, we had sex it was painful. It still is painful till we go going a trivial bit.


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